No More Program…

Well here we are 30 days done and over with, but you better believe I’ve got some plans on the horizon and I’m VERY excited.

I started my 18 week “easy” marathon training plan this week. I am running Monday, Thursday, Friday, & Sunday. I know this is a bit of an unorthodox plan, but due to my schedule it gives me some freedom to move somethings around. Wednesdays are my extremely busy days (8:15 – 8:30 at least) so I decided I needed a rest day there. Saturday is a choice day (swim/rest, etc), and Sundays are the long run days.  I’m hoping for my hiking and being outdoors, although today really made me glad I have the gym membership as it was so cold all day.

Oooh… you need to see what arrived:

This is Arbonne’s Phytosport line. It has a pre-workout, during workout hydration, and post-workout recovery. Being that as the heat ramps up I tend to not absorb water well and need the electrolytes, and that  I am training this race as a vegan/vegetarian for the first time, I am looking forward to using these products and having them help me. The last marathon I ran I was eating much more meat or dairy protein than I would have liked, but now I feel like I know what I’m doing with my protein intake and am confident in my judgements!

I also got my bag of Chocolate protein to get me through this month and the next few weeks!

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